spanish mauser 1916 value
GA Sales: 12. AA. $3.50 shipping. Semi inlet most likely due to your wanting to use a heavy barrel. Extra shipping cost of $1.00. The Guardia Civil rifles, marked with the crest of crossed sword and fasces, apparently were converted to 7.62 from both 1916 and 1893 rifles in the 1960's. Jan 2, 2016. Was probably imported by Interarms of Alexandria, VA as part of their huge Spanish importation in 1966 - 1968. M1871: Socket bayonet for use on the 11.5 mm. SPANISH MAUSER Model 1916 7x57mm/7mm Caliber Bolt Action C&R SHORT RIFLE Military Rifle for the SPANISH ARMY! SPANISH MAUSER HISTORY - AND A CAUTION! The used value of a SPANISH MAUSER rifle has risen $7.16 dollars over the past 12 months to a price of $439.33 . Apr 3, 2017. Values for *Spanish Mauser Model 1916 Bolt Action Rifle 7mm cal. #4. for sale online. That refers to the front receiver ring. SR vs LR: G. M1871 rolling block rifle. Short rifle. Model: 1895 SPANISH SHORT RIFLE (1916 2ND PATTERN) Product #: 1139480. IMHO, the receiver is better suited to making a light weight sporter out of. 5 0 0. This is the first Mauser design to use a staggered magazine . socket.This is corroborated by Juan L. Calv in his 2003 article (in Spanish), 24 Tipos de Cubo en Bayonetas Encontradas en Espaa (24 Types of Socket . You are absolutely correct. The Spanish intended the FR-7 (converted from 7mm) and FR-8 (converted from the 8mm Model 1943) to be training rifles for the CETME and to fire the same cartridge. The Model 1916 rifle was adopted on November 14, 1916 to replace the M1895 carbine. . 295. Sep 5, 2018. OTHER MODEL 7.62MM NATO (7.62X51) SPANISH MAUSER 1916 OVIEDO CIVIL GUARD CREST C&R 7.62X51NATO .308 WIN 22 INCH " BARREL Grant Park, IL 60940: Used: 2/27/2022: Likely arsenal refurbished over the years of service, serial numbers no longer match (receiver, stock and magazine do). The Guardia Civil rifles, marked with the crest of crossed sword and fasces, apparently were converted to 7.62 from both 1916 and We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast & Free shipping on many items! .308 Win. The rifle has the same hearty steel furniture and wooden stock as any other rifle the day. Samco Global Arms Imports - M1916 Spanish Mauser - Cal. . Avoid commercial .308 ammo if you value your rifle and your physical integrity. The "M16" is for Model of 1916. You are lucky if it hasn't been converted, and is still 7X57mm Mauser! A stamp on the left side of the . 1916 Spanish Mauser chambered in 8 mm. Condition: Good condition with to appraise similar items instantly without sending photos or descriptions. 22'' barrel S/N N8508. The used value of a SPANISH MAUSER rifle has risen $7.16 dollars over the past 12 months to a price of $439.33 . For Sale from FMZGUNS | Positive feedback : 99% View . Manufactured at famous Oviedo factory in Spain for the Spanish Army. . The Spanish Model 1893, 1895, 1916 and FR-7 are all "small ring" Mausers, as are the Swede 94 & 96. Full Details. 5/5 Stock. Converted to use ever plentiful 7.62 NATO (.308WIN) round. Those would be Model 1895 (all), M1916 Type 1 or Type 2 and the Model FR-7. Maker marked in 1930 from the Spanish Oviedo Arsenals. Spanish Mauser 7mm .308 5 round stripper clip brass model 1916 7.7mm 7.65mm. $4.95. Haven't seen a Model 1916 for sale recently. Sporterized Stock Model.Not C&R Eligible! Advice: use lower pressure Military ammo in Spanish converted rifles, or 80-90% Handloads of Military loads. And from what I saw it looked to be average to maybe a hair better on the outside with no idea what the bore may look like . Barrel,.308 Cal., 21 5/8", Original, Military Stepped w/Front & Rear Sight Bases. No cracks and no rust. 1916 . Viewed a 1916 model on an online gunshop listed at $169.99. $ 599.00. The Spanish arsenal rebuilt them in 1916 and shortened them to carbine length. The M93 is a contradiction of high technology and old-world thinking. OTHER MODEL 7MM MAUSER (7X57MM) SPANISH 1916 SHORT RIFLE 21 INCH " BARREL Blackwood, NJ 08012: New: 10/16/2022: $705.01 : OTHER MODEL 7.62MM NATO (7.62X51) LA CORUNA SPANISH FR-8 MAUSER C&R PENNY START $ 0.00. Possibly safe for .308 win, but why risk your face, or stretch the chamber. Stock and handguard are non-serialized. They were chambered for 7.62 CETME which, though dimensionally the same, is loaded to a lower pressure. According to "Original 1916 short rifles were in 7mm Mauser (757). PRICE: $515.00 MANUFACTURER: Mauser CONDITION: Used MODEL: Other Model SOLD: 8/22/2022: Length of bbl would be useful info as there are a number of possible variations of the Mauser that were in use during WW1 and values might be quite different between them. Spanish Mauser 1916 - 7.57 Mauser. It is proposed that the large ring mauser actions (M43) are generally able to endure the chamber pressures for the NATO round better than the small ring mauser actions (1916). or Best Offer. 22 INCH " BARREL Austin, TX 78738: Used: 3/6/2022: $385.00 : OTHER MODEL 8X57 JRS (8MM MAUSER) SPANISH M43 MAUSER 8MM Beat up wood but the one we still have and the one our son I AZ has still chug out the ammo just like a Mauser should. sockets, where the Spanish-made bayonets had a 3 in. Thread starter. Not certain of the value. I may have a chance to get a Spanish Mauser Model 1916 Short Rifle in 7x57 . SPANISH MAUSER 1916 7.62X51 NATO, NO RESERVE AUCTION! 5/5 Bore. Spanish Mauser Model 1916 Short Rifle with Civil Guard Markings 7.62 (.308) Conversion This is an excellent looking 1916 Spanish Mauser. If you like my videos and would like to support my channel please feel free to visit my Patreon page.Patreon Link 1 Image(s) Chilean 1895 Lowe Mauser . Originally chambered in 7x57, many M1916 rifles were converted to either 7.92x57 or 7.62x51. .308 Win. BillNed; Nov 21, 2017; Replies 14 Views 828. Receiver marked, 8001, Guardia Civil Crest, Cal 7.62, s/n. Manufacturer: MAUSER. The used value of a SPANISH MAUSER rifle has risen $7.16 dollars over the past 12 months to a price of $439.33 . Barrel: 21" Overall: 44.3". There have been many discussions over the safety of the Spanish Mausers that were converted to 7.62X51 NATO. . The FR-8 uses a Model 98 Mauser action and is more than adequately strong for any 7.62 NATO or .308 Winchester load. Reply. Rifle Parts. 5 round capacity. This is a vintage Spanish mouser .308 Win volt action rifle with a five round capacity. Forend also has a patch. Serial number- E9472. Bolt matching serial number. JuergenG. I had no issues of any kind with mine, and it was accurate. Home / Rifle & Carbine Parts / Mauser Rifle Parts / Spanish Mauser Rifle Parts / Spanish 1916 Mauser Parts. (and, you have it properly headspaced to the rifle you are going to use it in) Here is a link to get parts. Short rifle. $50.68. Model 1916 Spanish Mauser Short Rifle. 24-Hour Gun Show. Samco Global Arms Imports - M1916 Spanish Mauser - Cal. Most of the time rifles referred to as 'M1916' refer to Model 93 Mausers that were converted to the CTME cartridge. We are unable to confirm the caliber. Magazine matching serial number. These 1916 rifles were rechambered by the Spanish government in the '50's and '60's to the CETME cartridge, which fired a 118 grain bullet at about 2300 fps (according to one source I found) or 113 grains at 2600 fps (according to another). The short barrels, though, were not optimized to take advantage of the higher velocity of the M1913 cartridge. Spanish FR-8 short training rifles: made from M43 (98) Actions, so will be stronger than the M95 and M16 conversions. Rasputin said: The 1916 in 7x57 was the first rifle I ever bought way back in the day for $75. Other Model Spanish 1916 Mauser Scope 7.62x39 Bolt Action Sporting Rifle Modern. I have read that spanish Mausers dated prior to the 1950's are not safe to fire 308 or 7.62 x 51 ammo in. The Model 1916 is a modified version of the old Model 1893. The value of the firearm will be returned once is has arrived at our store location minus a 10% restocking fee. Model 1893 rifles were the primary battle rifle of both sides during the bloody Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), and production continued until 1943, when a 98 . Converted to use ever plentiful 7.62 NATO (.308WIN) round. The sights, consisting of a rear . That is a great caliber for that rifle. OUT OF STOCK. Ok, facts are facts: The 1916 Spanish Mauser is arguably at the bottom of the heap for use as in a custom Mauser sporter. Spanish Mauser Model 1916 Short Rifle. I'm hoping this one is good to go. In his book, Socket Bayonets of the Great Powers, Shuey indicates that M1871 bayonets made in the USA had 2.625 in. Shotgun Parts. The purchaser and whoever the purchaser allows . Manufactured at famous Oviedo factory in Spain for the Spanish Army. The used value of a SPANISH MAUSER rifle has risen $7.16 dollars over the past 12 months to a price of $439.33 . Jim We Buy Gun Stuff. See extended description and video for full details. 30 years ago bought 4 1916's that had been rebarrelled to 308 by Israel. Most military bolt actions have risen in value lately. Oviedo 1926 marked receiver mismatched bolt. 1898 Mausers are a large ring, and cock on opening, as opposed to the small ring cock on closing of the bolt. 7.62mm; 95% blue, good bore, good stock, 21'' barrel, Non-matching bolt. Used to be $ 100 rifles with this kind of bore condition. The 1916 Spanish Mauser was originally built as a 7MM long barreled 1893 Mauser. According to sources, these rifles were made by the Ovideo arsenal between 1916 and 1951. This rifle looks pretty beat up, but how does it shoot?Get yours at J&G Sales.SUPPORT BY SHOPPING:Blade HQ: Ignoring some trial weapons, (Model 1891 and 1892, pretty much identical to Turk 1890 and Argentine 1891) the first Mauser adopted by Spain in quantity was the Model 1893. Add to My Saved Parts. Turned down bolt, 5 round magazine, Re-Blued over original finish. Gun #: 962336746. This Spanish Mauser Model 1916 Short Rifle is in very good condition with 90% original finish. Firearms. The Model 1916 rifle was adopted on 14 November 1916 to replace the M1895 carbine, the short barrels of which were not optimized to take advantage of the . You can use any Spanish small ring Mauser bolt from 1893 series of rifles or carbines. NES Member. I've not seen the rifle other then a single picture . That "on-line gunshop" is about $90 over priced . Here we present a C&R Spanish Mauser Model 1916 Short Rifle manufactured at either Fbrica de Armas or Industrias de Guerra de Cataluna. In good looking condition, and in original 7mm Mauser caliber. Turned down bolt, 5 round magazine. All rifles will have missing hand guards and really trash cracked or broken stocks and or missing non essential parts. Barrel: 21" Overall . Metal finish is worn blue turning a patina, appears mechanically fine. Product Description. It was produced at both the Oviedo arsenal and at Industrias de Guerra de Cataluna. Bought a Timney trigger for mine a couple months back which will be an improvement over that military trigger. This model marked some major milestones in Mauser design and caliber. Spanish 1916 Mauser Parts. Mike in Peru Russian 7.62x39 levels! A short rifle, the Mosqueton Mauser Espanol Modelo 1916, was approved for service three years later. Good rifling. In the mid 50s when NATO went to .308, the Spanish shortened the chamber by cutting off the breech and setting it back, rechambered it to .308,and rebored the barrel to 30 cal. $495.00. Seller: ablanco ablanco. Whats the typical value of one of these things in 80% with a decent shootable bore . Original 1916 short rifles were in 7mm Mauser (7x57). . . Joined . Handgun Parts. Right side of stock has "bomb" with 1P/8 inside and has a patch on wrist. Just make sure it has the flat bottom. For sale is a Mauser 1916 bolt-action rifle in what we believe to be 7.57 Mauser. Fixed front and Rear Sights.Wood stock is in excellent conditions. Eligible for FREE shipping *. Rating - 100%. Spanish 1916 Oviedo Mauser .308 Win. Get the best deals for 1916 spanish mauser bayonet at Either way, pretty light stuff. BillNed.
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